
这个宇宙将包含了我的眼,鼻,耳,舌 和 触碰的,也就是我的人生经历,有的没的。这个宇宙有了我的心声,一时冲动的解放与对你的思念。。。

Friday, July 6, 2012

Conversation with a Friend who has recently lost her SMILE

I just feel that you are not as cheerful as before. Not sure because of personal matter, tired or due to the job and frustration of the work that you are handling.

I found that this vipassana helps me alot, but of cause it takes effort and times to ensure that the 10days course and techniques they shared in 10days, is it workable or not, it will very much depand on whether we practise it in our daily life.

Before this, meditation is NOT for me. Sit there for HOURS!!!??!! crazy ar!!! but it turns out to be something that amazing and very fruitful 10days i had. I am more than happy to share with you what i have been through these 10days if you are interested.

Ya, Kee, i also felt that since 428 incident....im so disappointed with our ruler. Another things is i easily get bored and irritated by my current job, i don't find any satisfaction here,and im always annoyed by those uncooperative people around us...As im now thinking what is my real purpose in life? i got stuck here with my own problem and my family matters... it seem like no ending.

Something/ somebody had stole away my "happiness", i think. Still searching for the answer...haha

May be i really need some guides to guide me thru this sorrow period...

Yesterday, in the talk, the teacher actually asked us to visual our own future...he said if you saw it and you should chase after it, don't let it go away. I have this dream, i wana be involve in social work, i can see myself is an active environmental activist and am trying to help and educate all the helpless people in our country...since i have this vision, i think i must follow my heart :)

I will be writing a blog on this vipassana meditation that i have attended and will share it with you ya.

I was like you before i went to Vipassana. (it doesnt mean Vipassana meditation change me OVERNIGHT. it makes me see thing clearer and it makes thing become alot of sense to me.)  

even though i have taken up this new position of Personal Assistant for almost a year now and i was getting irratated and annoyed  more and more everyday. As such, i started to question myself the same thing, what is the purpose of my life?? What the hell am i doing here and make my life so miserable.

But one thing for sure, if i was to leave the company, i want to leave happily, not irritating.

What other people do or say, WE HAVE NO CONTROL!! But what we can control is OURSELF. OUR REACTION TOWARDS whatever senses that we felt, happy or unhappy. That, we can control.

Job is job!! If we can't change the nature of the job, instead of keep complaint and unsatisfied with WHAT WE ARE DOING or ASSIGNED TO DO, we should then change our attitude in handling those job. As we can't change the nature of the job, then we change ourself, our attitude, our perception.

For me, after a year of doing Personal Assistant job plus Admin's job, i reflected and realized that the nature of the job that i am doing is like that. Lots of ac hoc, none stop, everyone will ask 'HOW AR, WHY ARE, WHERE AR, WHEN AR' and everywhere, Ms. Kee, how ar? Ms. Kee where ar? Ms. Kee, When ar????..so, i realized that THAT IS THE NATURE OF THE JOB. and definitely i cant change the nature of the job that i am doing, so i change myself. Accepting will help alot, accepting that job is job, and nature of job is like that.

You may take a break, come back fresh and tell yourself, this is nature of the job. If we keep rejecting and cant accept the nature of job, we will be suffering. So, accept it!! We will realize that, when we learn to accept it, it makes thing lot easier and happier for us. I am learning to accept it as well.


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