
这个宇宙将包含了我的眼,鼻,耳,舌 和 触碰的,也就是我的人生经历,有的没的。这个宇宙有了我的心声,一时冲动的解放与对你的思念。。。

Friday, July 6, 2012

An E-mail To A Friend Who Has Lost Her SMILE 1

How are you lately??? 

Suddenly have a thought that you are facing some inner growth in you..which is good thing. Before you find your so called happiness and when you are in the mid of confusion and suffering, that's the sign of growing.....books and some motivating movies might help..but still, you will have to walk the path by yourself....come out by yourself.....YOU ARE YOUR OWN TEACHER!!!!!!

Everyone of us who is looking forward to grow wiser and happier, to find the Truth and Answer, it is for sure we will pass through this stage. Whether in our life, suddenly lots of things pop out, either family matters, whether is in worksplace where we HATE our job and can't find the meaning of doing what we are doing, irritated with things we see, we hear, everything around us...

Remember, for a person to grow wiser and happier...it is normal..this is part of the process..... 

You dont have to purposely look for happiness or want back the happiness which u have once owned it before. When the heart is ready, the happiness will be there. Have love and compassion in you which you already have it with you....dont let hatred, anger, frustration, agitation overtake it.....

Always see obstacle and challenges in life as a lesson and opportunity for you to GROW WISER and STRONGER. Of cause, we will be frustrated, angry, etc etc...but when we understand that feeling is just feeling, and we understand LAW OF NATURE (come and it will definately go), nothing is FOREVER, everything is IMPERMANENT, even feeling, emotion, anything, good or bad things happened. Always remember that, it is IMPERMANENT.

Sometimes life is teaching us in order for us to grow WISER but in a very HARD way. Only by experiencing it ourselves, we will only realise and enlighten. Stay EQUANIMITY (chinese - 平等心) towards any sensation or experience that we have, whether is good or bad.

I am not try to teach you anything here. I am just sharing as i have been through this suffering and good news is i know there is a way out of this suffering and i am still learning it, learning it in a very hard way too. hahahha...

Anyhow, the only thing we ask for is just to be HAPPY. 

Plant in happiness, love, compassion, all the possitive seeds, then only the fruits will be with LOVe, COMPASSION and GOOD KARMA.

How to get an apple tree if you put in orange seed??? How to get sugarcane, if you put in bittercurd seed?????


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